10 Easy Ways To Learn A Language Without A Teacher
Want to learn a language without a teacher but need some ideas for where to start?
You have come to the right place as in this article I go through 10 easy ways to learn a language without a teacher. Be sure to read through the whole article as at the end I have included the arguably most important thing to do to effectively learn a language without a teacher.
To learn a language without a teacher one needs to cover all language learning bases including speaking, listening, reading and writing skills by themselves. To cover all of this one should consider some of these learning ideas – look online for free grammar resources, subscribe to native speaking YouTubers, use a language learning planner to stay on top of language learning goals, listen to podcasts, watch the news daily in target language, chat to native speakers online, watch as many movies as possible, read interesting articles online or use a language learning website or app.
1. Use Free Grammar Resources Online
The first place to look when wanting to learn a language without a teacher is to find free grammar resources online so you can build a good understanding of all of the important grammar rules in the language you are learning. There are many different types of resources out there but I suggest looking for grammar websites with fill in the blanks exercises or youtube videos that explain the topics well. If you are a bit more old school you could always just look for grammar books in your local library as well.
2. Subscribe To Native Speaking YouTubers
To learn a language without a teacher you need to make sure that you are exposed to the language spoken by native speakers. As you don’t have a teacher constantly talking in the language, you have no idea about the sounds of the language and how everything is pronounced. That is why you should turn to YouTube and subscribe to native speaking YouTubers.
If you are more of a beginner in your language learning journey, you could start by watching youtube videos geared towards younger children. For example, kids tv shows or children’s music videos. As you progress in the language you can start watching more difficult videos. For example, daily vlogs of native speakers or other entertainment videos.
My number one tip for learning a language without a teacher by using YouTube is to turn on the subtitles! So many people forget to do this! I know that it can be extremely difficult to understand what native speakers are saying in YouTube videos as they speak so fast. With subtitles, even if they are the auto generated ones you will be able to comprehend so much more. I also suggest to write down any new vocabulary on a piece of paper or on a vocabulary list printable so you are actively participating in the learning experience.
P.S. If you want to learn how to make the most out of language learning from YouTube I suggest that you read my article on how to learn a language by watching YouTube here!
3. Use A Language Learning Planner To Keep Yourself On Track Towards Your Goals
Probably one of the most difficult aspects of learning a language without a teacher is keeping yourself motivated and on track towards your language goals. That is why I suggest using a language learning planner!
A language learning planner is either a printable or digital/iPad planner that has helpful templates to keep you on track to become fluent in your chosen language.
These planners include pages such as:
- Goal Planning Pages
- Vocabulary Pages
- Verb Tenses
- Grammar Rules Template
- Cornell Style, Lined & Grid Notes
- Resource Worksheets
- Daily & Study Planning
- Habit Trackers
- Pomodoro Study Tracker
- + much more

Check out my Digital Language Learning Planner Here!
Check out my Printable Language Learning Planner Here!
4. Listen To Podcasts In Your Target Language
When language learning without a teacher you need to make sure you that you cover all the main areas including listening, writing, reading and speaking. One of my favourite ways to practise my listening skills for french is to listen to a podcast.
Podcasts are great as you can listen to them while doing other tasks. For example you can listen to them on your commute to school or work, while cooking, while walking the dog or while doing other chores. This is a good example of how you can integrate language learning into your daily routine which is really essential when you are learning without a teacher.
Also Duolingo has recently started producing beginner and intermediate level podcasts for a range of languages. You should totally check them out!
5. Watch The News Daily In Your Target Language
Watching the news in your target language is another example of how you can slightly tweak your daily routine to fit your language learning needs. The news is a great free language learning resource as the presenters generally speak at a slower pace with very clear intonation.
Just like when you watch youtube or listen to podcasts in the language you are learning I suggest that you write down new vocabulary and useful phrases. Writing down things over passively listening will make you learn the language much quicker.
6. Chat To A Native Speakers Online
There are many online platforms that connect language learners together to improve their speaking skills. Using one of these platforms is one of the only ways that you can truly practise your speaking skills without a language teacher.
Most work in a way where you get paired with someone who is a native speaker of the language you are learning and they also want to learn english or another language you are fluent in. You would spend 15 minutes talking to them in english and then another 15 minutes practising the language you are learning.
These are some famous language chatting platforms that you could try out:
7. Watch As Many Movies As Possible
Another way to practise your listening and comprehension skills without a language teacher is to watch movies. You can find heaps of free movies online on Youtube or watch them by using your Netflix subscription.
If you do use Netflix to watch your foreign language movies, I suggest that you download the google chrome extension – Language Learning With Netflix. It’s super helpful as it displays double subtitles meaning that it simultaneously displays english and the foreign language subtitles underneath each other.

You might also be interested in reading my article on How To Learn A Language By Watching Netflix!
8. Read Interesting Articles Online
To get in some reading practice you should look beyond textbook reading comprehension and towards real life articles that interest you. I think this is one of the best ways to learn relevant vocabulary for yourself. If you love a certain sport, read an article about it. Whereas if you love to cook, read articles about that.
9. Use A Language Learning App/Website/Software
If you want a bit more structure to your learning I would suggest purchasing or subscribing to a language learning app, website or software. There are hundreds of thousands of these types of self taught language learning programs that you can find online, a mixture of free and paid programs. Some famous language learning programs include Rocket Languages, Lingoda, Rype, Rosetta Stone, Duolingo, Babbel etc.
At the moment Rocket Languages is one of my favourite online language learning programs! Each course has over 120 hours of lessons that go over all the four main core areas of language learning – listening, reading, writing and speaking. The best aspect about the courses is that they use real-world conversations to teach you the most important grammar and vocabulary.
Join more than 1,212,346 people from 192 countries and learn a new language at your own pace at Rocket Languages!
Check Out The Online Courses Below:
I also really like Lingoda who offer live online language classes by video call with real teachers. The only downside to this program is that they only offer French, Spanish, German and English classes at this point in time!
Or Join A Live Online Language Learning Class With Real Teachers On Lingoda!
Check Out The Online Courses Below:
10. Do A Little Bit Of Language Learning Every Single Day *The Most Important Tip!*
My final tip for learning a language without a teacher is to put in the effort to study a little bit each day. Even if it is only 5 minutes. Every bit of time that you invest into language learning is going to allow you to progress so much.
This tip is so important as you do not have a language teacher to guide you in the progress. It can be super easy to give up without the extra support. If you make it a habit to study just the smallest amount each day, you are bound to progress!
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