30 Day Challenge Tracker Printable Template

A 30 day challenge tracker is a PDF document designed to help you achieve your goals. It includes sections where you can describe your challenge, create an action plan, decide on start and end dates, write down 5 reasons to complete the challenge for motivation as well as decide on a reward for completing the challenge. There is a table at the bottom of the page where you can cross out or colour in a box each day as you progress towards achieving your goal!
How To Use A 30 Day Challenge Tracker Printable Template
#1 Decide on your goal
A 30 day challenge goal can be as big as learning a new language or as small flossing your teeth everyday. Define your goal no matter how big or small it in the the ‘challenge’ box located at the top of the printable template. You can find more ideas for 30 day challenges listed below.
#2 Write an action plan
If you want to achieve your goal in the limited time of 30 days, you need to make a solid action plan to keep you on track. Located on the middle right section of the 30 day printable template is an action plan table where you can write 5 large steps you need to do to achieve your goal.
#3 Set a start and finish date
Your 30 day challenge doesn’t need to start at the beginning of a month and finish at the end of the month. There is no reason why you can’t start your challenge right now, so that is why I have added the start and end date boxes to my template. Simply write today’s date for the start day and the end date as 30 days later.
Also if you have heard of the SMART goal principle before you will know the importance of the T which stands for time bound. Setting a goal with a finish date will push you to try harder at your goal by creating a sense of urgency.
#4 Establishing motivation
The next step is to establish motivation to make sure you consistently work towards your goal over the next 30 days. There are two motivation based activities in my 30 day challenge template: the ‘5 reasons to complete this challenge’ section and the ‘reward’ section.
As the name suggests, you need to write down 5 reasons why you want to finish your 30 day challenge. If you do this if and you fall into a slump you can read the reasons why you initially started the challenge to boost your motivation. The section where you write down a reward for completing the challenge acts in the same way.
#5 Cross off each day in the challenge tracker as you progress towards your goal
The final step is to cross off each day box that are labelled one to thirty each day as you work towards your goal. This will act as a visual presentation of your progress and also act as a motivator.
Ideas For 30 Day Challenges
30 day challenges can be big or small. It could be something as big as learning a new language or something smaller like going to bed by a certain time each night. If you are interested in forming smaller habits I suggest that you check out my monthly habit tracker printable template as well.
Here is a list of 30 day challenges to get you inspired:
- Start learning a language (if you are interested I suggest that you check out my article where I reveal the easiest way to learn a language by yourself)
- Floss your teeth everyday
- Eat breakfast every morning
- Cook a new recipe every day
- Meal plan for 30 days (if you are interested you should check out my article where I explain how to create a great meal plan)
- Practise good posture
- Spend time outdoors
- Make your bed each morning
- Read a chapter of a book each day. You could even use a reading tracker template.
- Don’t go on your phone an hour before bed
- Do your homework everyday after school. Use these printable homework sheets to help yourself out
- Perform a random act of kindness each day
- Do half an hour of exercise daily
- Clean up your clutter
- Use a daily planner to plan your day each day
- No social media
- No caffeine
- If you are learning french, practise your conjugations each day with a verb worksheet. (You could also learn italian verbs with this worksheet)
- Write down positive things at the end of each day
- Start learning a new hobby
Why 30 Days?
30 days is the approximate number of days it takes to form a new habit. By doing a 30 day challenge you will be forced to do something every day to work towards your goal and actually achieve it! This consistent action will help you build behaviours and make habits that stay with you!
The 30 Day Challenge Tracker Printable In Depth

Includes one PDF with 1 page
- Track a habit over the next month/30 days!
- Make a strong personalised action plan
- Tick off your habit each day
- Reward yourself after completing the challenge!
☆★☆★☆★HOW TO USE:★☆★☆★☆
Simply fill out your 30 day challenge printable under each heading. Then cross off or colour in the day boxes after completing your challenge for the day. You can look at the product images for an example ☺
Before You Go!
Are you passionate about language learning?
Be sure to check out my article on the EASIEST way to learn a language by yourself! and my Digital Language Learning Planner!
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