A Pomodoro Tracker Printable – The Key To Study Success
A printable pomodoro tracker template is a PDF document that lets a student track their study sessions. It is used by students who want to really focus while studying and also to organise their tasks into smaller, more manageable to-dos.

At the top of the page there is a table for a student’s top study priorities where they write down 3 larger tasks that they want to accomplish. A student then breaks down the overarching tasks into smaller sub-tasks that will take 25 minutes each in the task table. They then record the time that they start studying and 25 minutes later, the finish time. Between each 25 minute study session a student can take a short break (3-5 minutes) and then a longer break (20-25 minutes). The longer break can be decided on prior to studying by writing it down in the break table at the bottom of the page. This will motivate a student to keep on studying as the breaks act as rewards for hard work. There is also a notes box located at the bottom left hand corner for any relevant notes or reminders while studying.
As you might have noticed on the product image above I have colour coded my top 3 priorities and then used the corresponding colours for the sub-task 25 minute study sessions. You could apply this to your pomodoro study printable to make it more organised and prettier. 🙂
What is the pomodoro study method?
The pomodoro technique is a time management focused method of studying that was developed by Francesco Cirillo in the 1980s while he was at university. The technique uses a timer to break down tasks into smaller intervals, typically 25 minutes in length separated by short breaks of around 5 minutes. The reason why it is called the pomodoro study technique is because Francesco Cirillo used to use a tomato shaped timer during his study sessions and pomodoro is tomato in italian.
You can use a physical kitchen timer like Francesco Cirillo or a digital timer on your phone or my preference which is a website like tomato-timer.com which has timers specifically for 25 minutes and 5 minute breaks. Beside the 25 minutes of focus, the next most important aspect of the technique is recording and planning your pomodoro sessions. Along with a digital timer, it is important to use a pomodoro tracker printable to keep track of your study sessions and to also plan your study sessions by breaking down large tasks into smaller subtasks that can be achieved in 25 minutes.
How does the pomodoro study method work?
There are 5 simple steps to this technique:
- Write down your 3 priorities or big tasks to do
- Break down the priorities into sub-tasks that you can achieve in 25 minutes study sessions
- Set a 25 minute timer, write down the start time.
- Work on that task until the timer rings. Write down the stop time. You can always continue a task into the next 25 minute study session.
- Break time. Take a 3-5 minute break between each 25 min pomodoro session. Once you have completed 4 sessions in a row, you can take a longer break (20-25 minutes).
Is the pomodoro study method effective?
The pomodoro technique is very effective because it encourages focus. The reason why it does this is because a ticking timer instills a sense of urgency. You don’t feel like you have endless time to get things done so it eliminates wasting time on distractions that eat up your day. You only have 25 minutes to make as much progress as possible.
The forced breaks also help with the burnout feeling. They remind you to take time away from your work and regroup. I don’t know about you but there have been so many times when i have sat in front of my computer trying to do an assignment and the hours tick by without much progress. Because as Parkinson’s law says, “work expands to the time available” The 20-25 minute break after 4 pomodoro sessions also gives you an incentive to do the work.
Another benefit of the pomodoro technique is the sense of accomplishment you develop after ticking off pomodoro sessions. (It is especially gratifying ticking off tasks from a physical piece of paper such as your printable pomodoro study tracker)
Finally, the data that you record down is also useful to you for future study sessions. Now you know roughly how long a particular task takes which will allow you in the future to better plan and manage your time.
Pomodoro Study Break Ideas
There is a section at the bottom of my printable pomodoro study tracker where you can write down what you are going to do for your longer study breaks (the 20-25 minute breaks after 4 study sessions). This can motivate you to focus and study harder to get these small rewards. 🙂
Short Break Ideas
For the 3-5 minute breaks between study sessions I think it is important to get up and walk away from your desk. You should also rehydrate if you don’t have a glass of water on your desk and maybe do some light exercise or stretching to get your blood flowing. This could be jogging on the spot, doing star jumps or some simple arm and wrist stretches.
Long Break Ideas
The long breaks are meant to be a reward for your hard work after 4 pomodoros. You can really do whatever you like during this time. I like to watch a youtube video or a short episode of a tv show but you need to be careful that you don’t keep on watching more and more. The break can only be 30 minutes. So my advice is to maybe not watch tiktok. (we all know that one 30seconds video = watching 100 more).
A list of long pomodoro study break ideas:
- Do some journaling
- Attempt to draw or paint something
- Exercise
- Play with your pets
- Watch a youtube video
- Do some fun language study. E.g. lyricstraining which is a website/app that makes foreign language songs into a fill in the blank game (If you are into language learning I suggest that you check out my language learning printable planner)
Variations Of The Pomodoro Technique
You can make variations on how long your ‘pomodoros’ last for. 25 minutes is the traditional length but other people are do:
- 90 minute pomodoro sessions as 90 minutes reflect a natural concentration cycle.
- 30 minute pomodoro sessions so the amount of time studying is easier to count up by the hour
Some Minor Disadvantages of The Pomodoro Technique
Really I think the only disadvantage to the pomodoro technique is that sometimes you are on a roll doing work and want to study for longer than 25 minutes. I think if you have maintained your focus and you still feel focused you should keep going until you hit a slump because it can sometimes be hard to regenerate momentum.
Pomodoro Tracker Printable In Depth

Includes one PDF with 1 page
- Manage your time better
- Break large tasks into smaller sub-tasks
- Be super focused while studying
You can find more information at StudyStuff on Etsy.com ☺
Before you leave!
Are you passionate about language learning?
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