Can An iPad Replace A Laptop For A College Student?
Yes, an iPad can replace a laptop for a college student when additional products such as a laptop keyboard case and an apple pencil are used in conjunction with it. These additional products will transform your iPad into a device that functions almost the same as a laptop however it will probably end up being more expensive. That being said an iPad has many features that a laptop doesn’t, most notably is the capacity to draw more easily and the ability for students to do more creative projects than on a laptop.
Overall Differences Between An iPad And A Laptop For College Students
iPad | Laptop |
Longer battery life | More powerful |
Smaller, lighter & more compact | More features on most programs |
Need to purchase accessories such as keyboard case/bluetooth keyboard and apple pencil (optional) to make an iPad functional for college purposes | One purchase, no additional accessories needed for a laptop to function smoothly as a college device |
Originally designed for media consumption/entertainment | Originally designed for productivity |
What Accessories You Need So An iPad Can Replace A Laptop For College
1. An iPad Keyboard Case
Some form of a keyboard is an absolute necessity when it comes to an iPad replacing a laptop for college. As much as you might hate it, you definitely need some way to type to get all of those essays done!
I really like to use an iPad keyboard case as it protects my iPad and also transforms it into a device that looks nearly the exact same as a laptop! One of the main concerns I hear from people is that the Apple Magic Keyboard is very expensive and out of their budget. What many people don’t know is that there are many smaller brands that are producing cheaper alternatives for the iPad keyboard case so even students can use their iPad as a laptop! (I have linked one option below that is a really good quality iPad keyboard case – even the backlit keys change colour which is pretty cool!)
This iPad Keyboard Case Has Colour Changing Backlit Keys…
Find Out The Current Price On Amazon Here
Read Also: The Best iPad Cases For Note Taking
2. Or iPad Case With Stand + Bluetooth Keyboard
If you do not want to purchase an iPad keyboard case (remember it does not need to be the very expensive apple brand keyboard), you can alternatively get an ordinary iPad case with a separate bluetooth keyboard.
For the iPad case I highly recommend one that has a folding triangular stand so you can prop your iPad up at the right angle for typing.
Find Out The Current Price On Amazon Here
As for the bluetooth keyboard, most are compatible with an iPad. I recommend this bluetooth keyboard from Amazon here!
You Could Get A Bluetooth Keyboard Like This One Here…
Find Out The Current Price On Amazon Here
Buying a bluetooth keyboard and an iPad case separately could get up more expensive than buying just an iPad keyboard case alone. That being said it gives you more freedom with your iPad as you don’t always need to carry the keyboard around. Also your iPad will be slimmer as there will be no thick keyboard up against it while it is closed.
3. Adapter Hub For USB, External Hard-drives, SD Cards etc.
While it may seem annoying at first that an iPad only has a charging port, most laptops, especially Apple Macbooks are reducing the number of ports on them and need toggles just like iPads. The biggest difference is that the majority of people do not know that their iPad can be used with a toggle adaptor. This means you can use USB, SD Cards, external hard-drives etc. with your iPad just like you can with a laptop!
This Adapter Hub For iPad Pros Is Very Popular On Amazon
Find Out The Current Price On Amazon Here
4. Apple Pencil (Optional)
If you take creative courses at college, I highly recommend that you invest in an Apple Pencil for your iPad (only if it is compatible though!). Apple Pencils are hands down one of the best stylus’ out there as it is pressure sensitive, has hand rejection and ultimately allows you to have full creative freedom to draw and do what you want on your iPad!
Don’t Have An Apple Pencil Yet?
- 1st Generation Apple Pencil: Get It For A Great Price Here!
- 2nd Generation Apple Pencil: Get It For A Great Price Here!
I also love apple pencils as it allows me to do digital planning on my iPad in my favourite digital student planner! I can also take hand written notes just like as if I was taking them on paper however with the full ability to undo mistakes and try again. Usually I take my digital notes in my lined paged 6 hyperlinked tab digital notebook in GoodNotes as I can put an unlimited amount of pages in them and organise them in sections for different topics.

Read Also: How To Take Aesthetic Notes On Your iPad
5. Bluetooth Mouse (Optional)
If you want to fully convert your iPad into a laptop you can purchase a bluetooth mouse. Not many people know but with the new iOS mice can be used with the iPad. They can perform any of the functions you can do with your hands on the touch screen.
It is up to you whether or not you get a bluetooth mouse. The majority of people don’t as the touch screen works just fine on their iPad and also some people get iPad keyboard cases which have touch pads just like laptops instead. However if you don’t want to be constantly cleaning your iPad’s screen from fingerprints, a bluetooth mouse might be the best solution for you!
P.S. You can also use a normal mouse with a cable with an iPad however you would need to use it in conjunction with a USB iPad adapter.
This Bluetooth Mouse From Amazon Is Great Value…
Find Out The Current Price On Amazon Here
Further Reading
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The best iPad keyboard cases for students have a battery life that will last a full day, are lightweight and …
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