How To Learn A Language Through Music
Music is one of the many fun methods to learn a language! It is super effective because it is mood boosting and because songs are full of new vocabulary and phrases to learn in your target language!
To learn a language through music you should find music online in your target language, then listen to the song one time through for comprehension, find the lyrics and read them, write down new vocabulary with definitions, listen to the song a second time and then add the song to your playlist!
Why is learning a language through music an effective method?
#1 You learn lots of new vocabulary from foreign language music
Being exposed to a lot of new vocabulary is the most obvious benefit of learning a language through music. It is very important to learn the meaning of words if you do listen to foreign language music otherwise you will become familiar with a word and recognise it when you hear it but not associate it with a specific meaning. That is why I suggest using a vocabulary list template that you can find in a language learning planner, to write down new vocabulary and definitions while listening to a new song.
#2 Songs are very repetitive so it drills new vocabulary and phrases into your mind
Once you have found a good song you listen to it on repeat right?
That’s why listening to music in the language you are learning is such a great study method. By constantly hearing words, within the song being repeated between the chorus and verses and also by listening to the song on repeat, you learn so much more useful vocabulary.
#3 Music is portable
Because music is portable you can learn your language wherever you are.
On the way to work/school?
Listen to some music of the language you are learning!
Cooking dinner?
Listen to some music of the language you are learning!
In the shower?
Listen to some music of the language you are learning!
#4 Helps you improve your pronunciation
Listening to some foreign language music? Why don’t you try singing along!
Music is great for improving your pronunciation by repetitively listening to the pronunciation of native speakers. You can even extend how much you learn by doing karaoke with the song you are listening to, to perfect your pronunciation.
#5 Music is a very motivating and mood boosting technique to learn a language
The final reason why music is such an effective way to learn a language is because it is so motivating and mood boosting. Songs can make you feel a range of emotions and if you spend your time listening to happy songs, you will associate language learning with good memories. This will make you very motivated to learn! If you want to learn more about how to motivate yourself to learn a language I suggest that you check out this article here that I wrote about it!
How to effectively learn a language through music
- Find music online in your target language
- Listen to the song for the first time to see how much you can understand
- Then find the lyrics of your chosen song and read through them
- Write down all the new vocabulary and find definitions
- Listen to the song for the second time, while reading through the lyrics
- Learn the new vocabulary
- Add the song to your foreign language playlist
How to learn vocabulary from a foreign language song
There are many ways that you can learn vocabulary from a foreign language song. Personally, I think the best ways to learn vocabulary is to use spaced repetition flashcards or use a vocabulary list template with a revision tracker such as the one in my digital language learning planner.
It is really simple to use a vocabulary list template with a revision tracker. Here is a screenshot of a vocabulary list from my personal language learning planner:

All I do is use the split screen view on my iPad Pro to split the screen between my planner and the lyrics from google. I then read through the lyrics and write down all the words I don’t understand in the word column. I then either use a physical dictionary or an online dictionary such as word reference to research the meaning of all the words. I then write the definition in the definition column. Sometimes to extend myself I write the definition in my target language. That’s the reason why the definition column is so much longer than the word column. I suggest that you try this method too.
The other method that I love to use to learn vocabulary is a spaced repetition flashcard system. Sometimes I make physical flashcards and spaced repetition boxes (if you are interested you should check out my printable for that here) or I use a digital flashcard app such as quizlet or Anki. Spaced repetition is a great method for learning vocabulary as it is a scientific method of learning that harnesses the power of your memory. Pretty much it spaces out your revision according to how long it takes for your brain to remember and forget things.
How to extend your language learning through music
#1 Use lyrics training app/website
This is my personal favourite app and website of all time for language learning. All you need to do is download the app or go onto the website, choose the language you are learning and then either choose a song from the most popular list or search up your own. It finds the song from YouTube and then converts it into a fill in the blanks game for the lyrics. As the song plays you need to type in the missing words. I believe there are 4 levels to choose from, the higher the level you choose the less words they give you. Not only is this a really fun game but it is super beneficial to your language learning. You learn the lyrics of the songs really well, you improve your listening skills, figure out how to correctly pronounce words and it also improves your spelling skills! On the topic of spelling skills if you want to improve your language spelling skills I suggest you check out the look, cover, write check page from both my printable language planner and my digital language planner.
#2 Make a playlist of songs in your target language & follow pre-made playlists
Another great way to improve your language skills through music is to make a playlist of all your favourite songs on Spotify or Apple Music. This will motivate you to listen to songs in your target language as you already know that you love them and they are all in one place.
It is also a good idea to follow playlists that other people have made so you are exposed to even more music of the language you are learning. You will find so many more good songs through this method, especially of genres that you normally wouldn’t listen to.
It’s fantastic – the more songs you listen to = the more vocabulary you are exposed to = language learning progress!
#3 Listen to music in your target language on public transport instead of in English
Do you usually listen to music on your way to work and home again? Stop listening in English and start in the language you are learning!
This simple change of daily routine is such an easy way to improve your language learning skills. Put on that foreign language playlist when you get on the bus and you’re all set for your little bit of language learning for today!
#4 Research the top songs at the moment in your target language
It is a great idea to stay on top of the musical trends of the country where the language you are learning is spoken. This is another fantastic way to be exposed to new and different songs and thus will extend your language skills. I suggest finding the Top 50 playlist on Spotify and following it.
#5 Learn Disney songs in your target language
This is another really fun idea for language learning through music. Just search up the Disney song you want to learn on YouTube and you will definitely find a translated version. This idea is great because you probably already know the meaning behind the song and all the lyrics in English so hearing the translated version won’t be that difficult. You can even watch the full Disney movie with all the songs in it too!
Don’t forget to write down new vocabulary in your printable language learning planner!
#6 Watch music videos on YouTube
My final tip for extending your language learning through music is to watch the music videos that go with the song on YouTube. This is a fantastic idea if you are a visual learner!
The music video can help you with your understanding of the lyrics of the song and you also have the added bonus of putting on subtitles so you can hear and see the lyrics at the same time!
This isn’t really related to learning a language through music but you should also scroll through the comments on YouTube. The majority will be in the language you are learning. It’s a good way to learn more conversational/familiar language that you wouldn’t learn in textbooks as well as internet abbreviations in your target language.
Before you go!
Are you interested in drastically improving your language skills?
Check out this language learning planner to help you on your path to fluency!

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