Use This Conjugation Worksheet To Master Your Italian Verbs!

An Italian verb conjugation worksheet is a printable pdf document that features tables and revision trackers to help you master the conjugation of italian verbs. It can be used for verbs of any tense. It has a section to write the verb, the meaning, the tense, a place to fill out the conjugation next to the pronoun (io, tu, lui/lei noi, voi, loro) and a revision tracker below it. You can master all of your Italian verbs using this worksheet!
Are you also learning French?
Be sure to check out my French verb conjugation worksheet as well!
How to use an Italian verb conjugation worksheet
It is really simple to use an Italian verb conjugation worksheet. Follow these steps below:
Decide if you want to use your worksheet as a printable or digitally
All the pdf printables that I sell on my Etsy store StudyStuff can be used digitally with a pdf editing and reading app or physically by printing it out. Either way works really well to master your italian verbs, it’s really just up to personal preference.
Advantages of using your Italian verb conjugation worksheet as a printable
- You can print your worksheet out and stick it in your language workbook or binder
- Physically writing information instead of typing is proven to enhance your memory
- You can use the template an unlimited amount of times, just print it out as you need it
- You can print your worksheet at any size by scaling the pdf document in your printer settings. I recommend A4 or A5 paper size.
Advantages of using your Italian verb conjugation worksheet digitally
- No paper and ink is wasted
- You don’t need a printer
- You can easily erase mistakes with a digital eraser tool
- You will always have your french conjugations with you as these documents can sync to multiple devices if you use an app like goodnotes
- You can type onto the worksheet or handwrite onto it with an apple pencil or stylus
- You can use the template an unlimited amount of times
- Decide which template you want to use (normal or condensed)
There are two designs for my italian verb conjugation worksheet that you can choose to use. The ‘normal’ design has space to conjugate four verbs and is good for people with large handwriting. The ‘condensed’ design has space to conjugate eight verbs and is good for people who use the template as a printable as it is more economical as you save paper.
Fill out the basic information about the verb you are going to conjugate
At the top of each verb table there is space to fill out basic information about the verb you are just about to conjugate.
Write down the infinitive of the verb you are going to conjugate. E.g. andare, stare, venire etc.
Write down the meaning or definition of the verb you are going to conjugate. E.g. andare = to go, stare = to be, venire = to come etc.
Write down the tense of the verb you are going to conjugate E.g. present tense, past tense, imperfect tense, future tense etc.
Conjugate the verb
Now all you have to do is conjugate the verb in the table. Each table already has the pronouns (io, tu, lui/lei noi, voi, loro) typed in, so you just need to write the verb with the correct endings. Here is a screenshot of my own template that I have used digitally in goodnotes where I have conjugated some Italian verbs in present tense.

Check you have conjugated the verb correctly
Once you have conjugated the verb you should mark your own work to make sure you haven’t made any errors. All you need to do is search up the verb conjugation online to find corrections.
Continually revise your verb conjugations in the future and remember to fill out the revision tracker
The last step in learning conjugations is to practise them regularly until you have them memorised. To encourage students to revise their conjugations I have added a revision tracker at the bottom of the page where you can highlight or shade your progress as you learn. There are spaces to colour in including: one hour, one day, one week, two weeks, one month, three months and before exam. These intervals are based on spaced repetition and the science behind how often you should study something for it to go to your long term memory.
If you are interested in spaced repetition I suggest you check out my printable flashcard boxes that help you study for better memory retention.
Italian Verb Conjugation Printable Worksheets In Depth

Master the conjugation of all of the Italian verbs. You can practise conjugating verbs in any tense. There is also a revision bar at the beneath each verb table which will remind you to study at set intervals (spaced-repetition).
☆★☆★☆★WHAT’S INCLUDED★☆★☆★☆
Compact Design (8 Verbs Per Page)
Regular Design (4 Verbs Per Page)
☆★☆★☆★HOW TO USE:★☆★☆★☆
Print out either the compact or regular design option. Fill out the verb, meaning and tense boxes. Conjugate the verb and then colour in/cross out the revision boxes for the spaced repetition intervals when you come back to revise. You can look at the product images for an example ☺
Purchase your own Italian verb conjugation worksheet here!
Before you go!
As you must be a language learner looking at this article I highly suggest that you go read my article where I explain THE EASIEST WAY TO LEARN A LANGUAGE BY YOURSELF and also my article where I go through how to BECOME FLUENT BY WATCHING FOREIGN LANGUAGE MOVIES!
These are really helpful articles for language learners where I share my best tips that I have used during my journey learning french!
I have also created two really helpful resources for language learners. A printable language learning planner and a digital language learning planner. These are fantastic resources for both self-taught language learners and people who go to language class. There are so many pages that can help you with learning vocabulary, grammar, setting language learning goals and forming language learning habits! You can find both of them by going to my store StudyStuff on Etsy.com by click on this link here!
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