Use This Daily Planner Printable To Plan Your Ultimate Day!

A daily planner printable is a PDF document featuring elements to help you plan your ultimate productive day. It is an evergreen printable which means you can use and reuse it again and again because of a feature where you can circle the month, day and date. It features a daily schedule spanning from 6:00am to 11:00pm in either half hourly or hourly increments as well as daily goal setting, meal planning, to do list and a notes box. At the end of the day you can rate your day with a 10 star rating system.
How To Use a Daily Planner Printable Template
It is really easy to use a daily printable planner. All you need to do is follow this link here to find my Etsy shop (It is called StudyStuff) and follow the process of purchasing and downloading the printable (I have further instructions about downloading on the listing description). You then choose if you want to use the hourly or half hourly schedule.
Here are some questions to help you decide which option is better for you:
- Do you like to make very detailed schedules? (Half-hourly schedule is better for you)
- Do you prefer to make rough plans? (Hourly schedule is better for you)
- Do you like to write in detail about what your plans are? (Hourly schedule is better for you – there is more writing space in each hourly time slot)
Once you have printed off your daily planner template you can go ahead and fill out the date row at the top of the page. Circle the month, the day and the date for the day you are planning for. The reason why I have this feature is so you can re-use this printable template for any day of any year. You can also customise this printable because of the unfilled block letter title that can be coloured in to your preference.
You have now set up your daily planner and it is ready for use! All you need to do is fill in the schedule, your daily goals, your meal plan, your to-do list and some notes!
How To Schedule Your Ultimate Day
My daily planner printable comes in both an hourly and a half hourly schedule option. It is up to you which one you print off from the planner pack to use to plan your day. The schedule for both options is located on the left hand side of the page and ranges from 6:00am to 11:00pm.
1. Set Daily Goals
The first thing that I would do with this printable planner is set my daily goals. This template allows you to set 3 daily goals. I have chosen this number as it is an achievable amount of goals for one day and will set you up for success.
Here are some ideas for daily goals:
- Spend one hour editing your history essay
- Research for half an hour for your next project
- Do half an hour of exercise
- Walk the dog for forty five minutes
You might have noticed that all of these goals are SMART goals.
This acronym stands for:
S – specific
M – manageable
A – attainable
R – realistic
T – time bound
When you are setting goals whether they are short term (like these ones), mid term or long term it is important to set smart goals. Smart goals are a lot more achievable because they are specific, manageable, attainable, realistic and time bound. The S and the T of this acronym are definitely the most important element. As you have noticed above in my examples all of them are very specific and have a time frame allocated to them. For example, if I were to unsmartify the first goal it would be ‘edit essay’ instead of spend “one hour editing an essay” Once you have set the time frame for the goal you can then schedule it in the schedule section of the printable planner. By adopting SMART goals you are setting yourself up for success!
2. Meal Plan
The next section of my daily printable planner is the meal planner. This is where you get to write down what you are going to eat for the 3 main meals of the day (breakfast, lunch and dinner!) Personally I find this a really fun part of my daily planning routine and if you really like cooking and meal planning too I suggest you check out my weekly meal planner printable pack which you can find linked here. The planner comes with 3 printable sheets, one is a full page grocery list broken into main food groups (dairy, meat, fruit & veg etc.), the other page is a full week meal plan broken into breakfast, lunch and dinner and the final sheet is a more flexible full week meal plan where you can plan whatever meals you like (e.g. just dinner or multiple meals).
3. Make A To-Do List
The difference between the to-do list and the daily goals section is that the to-dos should be stuff that is mindless and very quick and easy to do. Stuff that you can get done in between scheduled items in your daily plan.
For example your to dos might be:
- Respond to emails
- Organise desk stationary jar/pencil case
- Weekly meal plan (You can find a printable planner pack to help you with meal planning here)
4. Write Notes
At the bottom right hand corner of the page is a notes box. Here you can doodle or write down things that don’t fit into the other areas of the daily planner. I also give the suggestion of doing a daily reflection activity down below in the rate your day section of this article. 🙂
5. Rate Your Day
At the end of the day I believe that it is important to reflect on how your day went so that is why I’ve added a rate your day colour in stars activity in the top right hand corner of the daily planner printable. All you need to do is rate your day out of 10.
As a rough guide:
- 1 star equals horrible
- 5 stars average
- 10 stars equals fantastic
Once you have figured out how you would rate your day out of 10, all you need to do is colour in the according number of stars.
You can also extend this reflective activity by doing a writing activity in the notes box. At the end of the day you can write about how well your day went, what went well, what didn’t go to plan and how you will move forward in the future.
Here are some daily reflective writing prompts:
- What are some positive things that happened to me today?
- What did I do well today?
- What can I improve on tomorrow?
- What are my goals for tomorrow?
- What worked well in my schedule?
- What didn’t work well in my schedule?
- What did I not manage to achieve today and when can I reschedule to do it?
- Did I over-schedule and set unrealistic goals today?
Daily Printable Planner (Hourly & Half Hourly Schedule Options) In Depth
Includes one PDF with 2 pages
☆★☆★☆★USE THIS PLANNER TO:★☆★☆★☆
- Plan your whole day
- Set daily goals
- Schedule in either hourly or half-hourly increments
- Plan out daily meals
- Set a to-do list and get your tasks done!
- Write notes
- Rate your day
☆★☆★☆★WHAT’S INCLUDED★☆★☆★☆
- Half Hourly Schedule Daily Planner
- Hourly Schedule Daily Planner
You can purchase the printable daily planner template here 🙂
Before you leave!
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